Welcome To

Haven Integrative Psychiatry

A holistic approach to help you overcome depression, anxiety, mood problems, and past trauma by bringing together the best approaches of conventional medicine and holistic approaches

Margaret Ngumi
Hi, I ’m Margaret

Hi, I’m Margaret, a psychiatric nurse practitioner who integrates the best of conventional medicine with holistic healing methods to achieve your optimal mental health. As a dual board certified nurse practitioner, I specialize in treatment of depression, anxiety, mood disorders and trauma related disorders. I treat people not symptoms or laboratory results.

I am here to see who you are and honor your whole journey. I believe in working with my patients from exactly where they are at in their health journey and working as a team to create a plan that can lead to the best versions of themselves.

In this journey, we will be exploring the root causes of symptoms and treating within a total wellness framework (biological, psychological, social and spiritual).

I am currently accepting new patients via telehealth in Georgia.


“Haven: Where healing begins, hearts find solace, and hope is restored”

Ready to engage in this healing journey with me


Area of focus
Anxiety Depression Mood Disturbances Sleep Disturbances PTSD
services include
medication management complimentary & holistic approaches lab testing counseling services Lifestyle Coaching

Can You Say Yes To One Or More Of These ?

Do you struggle with anxiety? Do you feel nervous or ill at ease?
Do you struggle with depression or mood swings and irritability?
Have you experienced trauma and having flashbacks and nightmares?
Do you experience panic attacks?
Do you sleep poorly and wake up tired?
Do you feel overwhelmed, having too much on your plate, and not enough time or energy to handle it?
Do you constantly feel burnout/tired and stressed, lacking the energy to enjoy the beautiful life you are working hard to create?
There’s a better way
When you change your thoughts, emotions and patterns of behavior, you change your life. It’s never too late to become who you were meant to be! I’m here to help. Click the link below for more information.

Insurances Accepted

start your journey today

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